
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

New Blog

Hey look, I'm blogging! Weird concept seeing as how my life is pretty boring in the process of finishing (or rather starting) my thesis.

The latest and greatest news has been the recent visit to Jeff and my 4 week old puppy. We can't bring her home  until the 31st, but we're getting the house "puppy-ready"... or so we think. Not sure either of us will be fully prepared for chewed shoes or poop and pee clean up, but we're as ready as we'll ever be!

Olive and babies at 1 week.
The puppy visit went very well... as if visiting cute cuddly fur-balls could ever not go well. Olive, the puppies black lab mother, was very excited to get some visitors and was just as sweet as I remembered her being from our first visit when she was still pregnant. 

Big Girl at 4 weeks
Jeff and I will be getting the first choice of the two female black puppies from Olive's litter. It's going to be one tough choice! Turns out the breeders thought the one little girl was going to die after being born only half the weight of the other puppies (a distinct runt of the litter). The other girl is of average puppy size, but still small, sweet, cuddly and adorable just like the runt. I pretty much just wished I could steal them all away that day... I suppose one dog is enough and maintaining the "8 weeks till they can go home" rule is probably for the best.

Left to Right: Runt Girl, Big Girl
As for the pending holiday season... I'll be heading off to the East coast in a few days to visit friends and family, no going home for me this Christmas. I'm really excited to see everyone, but hyper nervous that my bad flight luck will be following me as I have a stop over in Chicago... crossing my fingers my flight doesn't get canceled. Stupid bad travelling luck :-/ 

As for everyone else, here's to safe travels, friends & family, and my well wishes for a good holiday season!