
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Wee'rrreeee Baaacckkkkk!

The beginning of the ALCAN Highway!
Yes, we're back!... and we've been back for a little over a week... oops. I'm a bad blog host, tisk tisk tisk. I got so used to sitting on my duff at home and enjoying relaxation leaving you all without any cute puppy picture updates... my apologies. I'll make it up to you!

The middle of the ALCAN...
We made it! The END :-)

The road trip was long... very long, but was awesome! We've learned that Sable is actually an amazing co-pilot puppy, she's very accepting of long car rides and sleeps in the most ridiculous positions in the car while passing the day away.
Sleep Position #1: head mushed deep into
 the corner of the seat.

The only downside is that she becomes an even bigger bundle of energy at the end of each day... I guess there are some pros and cons to having a puppy that sleeps all day.

Sleep Position #2: head strategically jammed
 between seat and door.

At more than one hotel along the route Sable had an accident, by that I mean she did unspeakable things at 70% of the hotels... whoops! She just doesn't understand that when we are outside for a potty break... it really means 'go now or forever hold your bladder'. It's a process :-/...

My dad, the Dog Wrangler (not Whisperer),
with Sable and Kepler.

Once we arrived in Alaska Sable immediately made a few new best friends... My dad and Kepler, Dan and Ashley's dog,... who's the same age as Sable. My older dog, Mocha, took a little longer to adjust to the tiny terrorist, but that makes sense considering we refer to Mocha lovingly as the 'grumpy old lady'.

Eventually Mocha gave in and accepted Sable...
probably only because no one else would play with her.

Sable definitely learned about new dogs, new places, and many new experiences on her trip... the hope is that those experiences somehow help her become a more well rounded dog, but I'm doubting it had any affect on her.

Sable eventually would settle down, but only after
some seriously intense play dates with Kepler.

Probably stalking one of the other dogs...
the look on her face says it all... PSYCHO!

So without spoiling all the stories from the trip in one post, I will leave you all to enjoy the few pictures I've shared thus far... don't worry there are more to come! Enjoy!

Dog Wrangler, Dad

No one gets off easy at my house...


  1. How long are you staying in Alaska? Really want to go back. I think the guys are planning August or September 2012. If so I just may come along. I could use a vacation.

  2. Just returned to Edmonton from our vacation in Alaska... so I'm not there anymore. I'll be back again sometime though!
