
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Long days... Lots of work!

Tired after a long day of school...
It's close to solstice and the days are filled with lots of sunshine (or rain where I'm at) as well as lots and lots of work. I hear it's called progress, but it doesn't feel that way :-P

Sable has been pretty entertaining. We've discovered she LOVES eating dandelions, just the flowering portion. She's slowly gaining a 'discernible' palate for the flowering weeds as she goes... she sniffs a few, eats one... sniffs a few more, eats another. I would have assume it might be due to their age and possibly how 'ripe' they are, but I still don't understand how that makes the seedy ones tasty. Yes, she even goes to town on the seedy dandelions... one ferocious chomp and all that is left are a few of the fuzzies on her lips.

Can you tell she's ready for her walk!
Among the growing list of things Sable likes to eat are bugs... all kinds of bugs. If it crawls, flies, jumps, or skitters then it's delicious in her mind... and MUST be eaten. The recent trend has been toward bees, which we are trying to keep her from getting due to the pain it will cause her tongue when she gets bitten (notice that's not an IF, but a WHEN)... I live realistically people.

Lots of beach sprints make for one
VERY tired puppy.

One of my favorite moments was when a lowly ladybug taught Sable an  important lesson about nature's self defense. Apparently when ladybugs 'pee' on you, it's really secreting a foul smelling and tasting liquid as a deterrent. Sable took one look, went in for the kill... and two seconds later was foaming at the mouth trying to drool out the bad tasting secretion. Not having hands makes it a lot harder to wipe the bad taste off your tongue I suppose... I had never really thought about it until I watched this ridiculous moment take place. As for Sable, I think she'll be steering clear of the little polka-dotted red bugs for as long as the memory remains fresh.

Attacking the gutter water.

It has gradually gotten more and more wet and rainy as the summer has progressed. Good for the farms, not as good for fun doggy exercise times. Sable has found her own source of fun though. While she was initially freaked out about the rain as if we must be trying to give her a bath... she soon realized that we weren't causing it and that it could be a lot of fun getting dirty and wet all at once. Her new thing is 'attacking' the rain water flowing out of the gutter. Our gutter's are a little ghetto and end at the corner of the roof so Sable will bark to go outside just to stand under the small waterfall and bite the non-living bejesus out of it. This makes snuggling with her in bed much less pleasant... nobody likes wet dog on their covers.

Nothing like passing out,
in a smelly shoe...

So all in all some pretty great moments causing extra human laughter at the dog's expense... it's probably a good thing she can't tell we are laughing AT her and not with her!

Even Sable enjoys a good sunset on the beach!