
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rounding out week number sixteen...

Sable is now around the 16 weeks old mark and weighs 18lbs... not showing signs of being a HUGE lab which I think will be a pretty good thing. Plus she's so cute at this size... who can be mad when there are cute little puppy eyes staring back at you.
Dixon and Sable: Partners in crime...
destroying the backyard tree.

Sable had a whirlwind of a weekend (for her), she spent an entire day with her buddy Dixon... whom she usually only sees for a few hours at a time. She pretty much died for the following two days :-P... but of course regained full energy by puppy class time. Made the weekend a little more relaxed for us humans which was nice!

This week Sable officially graduated from her first puppy class! I think both Jeff and I were SURE that she would fail, but she pulled through for us :-)... now it's my turn to graduate :-( boooo... if only they just handed me a certificate after six weeks of class. Note to self: be a cute puppy in my next life.
Sword fighting

Well that's all that's new for this week hopefully more excitement and photos to come, enjoy this week's photos!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Happy Valentines Week!

When she is good, she's so cute!
Today Sable has gone completely psychotic... yes... she's a psycho. It took me a solid hour to eat a simple sandwich all because she could not sit still or stay out of trouble. After all the running around today, chasing the puppy... I am now le tired.
This is Gangsta' Sable

We've also come to realize exactly how stubborn our little puppy really is... initially we began training with a choke collar only to discover that Sable would sooner choke herself than give in to the corrections to stop pulling. It's funny because one day Sable will be the perfect little sweet puppy, obedient and calm. The next day she turns into a small Tasmanian devil with total and utter chaos following her everywhere.

Sable with the flowers Jeff got me
In the midst of all the training ups and downs I wanted to share a few lovely images of the past week... ENJOY!
Sable's Valentines Day heart poop present for me... outside, don't worry.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lets Socialize!

Last weekend was Superbowl and we held it at our place again this year... with Sable in mind. No sense taking her to someone else's house to pee all over :-P

She's still a little sick, but we're hoping she's really getting better. Due for another vet check up this week and slowly Sable is becoming a very expensive little puppy.

It was funny to see that Sable could care less that there was 8 new people in the house. Initially she was filled with excitement thinking everyone had come to see her, slowly that feeling turned into ambivalence as the focus turned toward the game. She calmed down pretty quickly and seemed relatively oblivious to the loud cheers, which is nice to see.

Puppy classes this week went well enough... we've come to that point in every puppy's life when they realize that the word 'come' has no meaning unless they're attached to a leash. Even then 'come' doesn't mean much if there is something more interesting going on in the general vicinity. Here come the terrible twos....

So in the midst of enjoying our puppy and trying to catch up on sleep, we will be amping up the training regime in hopes of nipping bad habits in the bud!