
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Lets Socialize!

Last weekend was Superbowl and we held it at our place again this year... with Sable in mind. No sense taking her to someone else's house to pee all over :-P

She's still a little sick, but we're hoping she's really getting better. Due for another vet check up this week and slowly Sable is becoming a very expensive little puppy.

It was funny to see that Sable could care less that there was 8 new people in the house. Initially she was filled with excitement thinking everyone had come to see her, slowly that feeling turned into ambivalence as the focus turned toward the game. She calmed down pretty quickly and seemed relatively oblivious to the loud cheers, which is nice to see.

Puppy classes this week went well enough... we've come to that point in every puppy's life when they realize that the word 'come' has no meaning unless they're attached to a leash. Even then 'come' doesn't mean much if there is something more interesting going on in the general vicinity. Here come the terrible twos....

So in the midst of enjoying our puppy and trying to catch up on sleep, we will be amping up the training regime in hopes of nipping bad habits in the bud!

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