
Thursday, March 31, 2011

She's too cute for her own good...

Yup, too cute...

Although her endless 6am barking sprees and refusal to 'come' on command can cause some serious frustration, she seems to counter the efforts with some serious puppy eyes and adorable cuddling. Soooooo hard to stay mad.

And yes... that means the terrible twos are still in effect :-/

On a funny note... one of her eyeteeth are loose, soooo... pretty soon her lovable lab-y smile will look pretty darn funny (I will do my best to capture this in a picture, but no promises).
Update: Eyetooth fell out just after I posted this week's blog

Not too much to say for this week, enjoy the pictures!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Terrriiibblleee twos...

 Yup, we're there... ughhh...

She kindly shortened the laces on my slippers... clearly they didn't need to be quite that long.

Apparently cups of water on end tables and coffee tables say 'Drinnnkkk Meeee'... who knew!

Anything in your hand is clearly food... for her... not you.

Stray threads on cushions and beds are apparently fair game to be pulled.

Table legs are tasty...

And the word 'Come' definitely does not mean narrow the gap between you and your owner.

That being said, she's recently been learning the difference between barking to go outside and barking to get out of your kennel in the morning. The first works the latter doesn't, yet she still tries occasionally... go figure.

Here's hoping for no major damages in the near future and hey... maybe it will only last a week!?!? No? lol

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The monster under my bed...

Notice her size compared to under the bed...
Apparently Sable still fits under the bed... sorta... she has to fully flatten herself and do a sort of army crawl to get under. Getting back out and/or turning around under the bed brings a whole new dynamic to the tightness of the squeeze... yet she insists on dragging slippers, socks, pants and whatever else she can get her paws on under the bed with her (note: she does not bring them back out). Silly puppy.

Psycho Mrs. Money Pit on the run!
Sable's other new demonic activity has been waking up at 6am and barking until 7am when the alarm goes off... ugghhhh. Apparently this is supposed to indicate dominance in that she is telling us that she is awake and that we should be too. Not too happy about this trend and I think the dog needs to realize that she's the one locked in a kennel, not me, therefore I win... if only that's how dog's thought. I guess it's one more little project to work on.

On a brighter note, Sable is learning "catch" although her coordination skills have yet to catch up. There have been some running into walls because she didn't turn quick enough and some hilarious snow blunders... wish I had them on video. Recently I also realized that telling Sable to "shake" while making her "sit/stay" far away from you will produce an adorable pawing at the air motion. Hey if it makes me laugh it must be a prize worthy trick... I'm pretty sure she could be in a movie now, hahaha. We're working on "roll over" but I don't think Sable is too keen on the concept... that or there is a lack of intelligence, but I'm going with the former.

Apparently this is comfortable?!?!
Yesterday we found ourselves at the vet... yet again. This time it was an ear infection, we got some drops and she should be good as new in a week. I'm pretty sure we are officially changing her name to Mrs. Money Pit... it's getting a little ridiculous. Other than that though, not much else is new... still training her, she's still disobeying like any good puppy, and there is always endless entertainment.

Om nom nom...

As for today... HAPPY ST. PATTY'S DAY!!! Hope you are all wearing some green :-P

Yup I made GREEN COOKIES to celebrate today!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day Care for dogs?... yes please!

Yup that's right... Sable went to doggy day care! Probably one of the best inventions for busy people who love their doggies. Only down side to this daycare concept was the fact that I'm pretty sure Sable did not want to leave.

Trying to convince us she really
doesn't need a bath.
This morning she looked longingly at the front door as Jeff and I ran away to go to work and do real people things. I'm pretty sure if she could talk she would have been asking... no... pleading for us to take her to daycare again today. Even though her disappointment could be read all over her face I'm sure she would not have been able to handle two days of daycare in a row. Last night after arriving back home from daycare she literally collapsed into her bed and didn't move until she was sure she could hear the ping pang of food kernels dropping into her doggy bowl for dinner.

Showing us her unhappy wet puppy face.
While movement was minimal we did manage to give Sable a bath. The accumulation of dog park, Dixon drool, and now day care smells was getting a little overwhelming. Although this was not Sable's first bath, I did manage to capture a few priceless images (the last one not for the faint of heart :-P). I'm pretty sure Sable shed a doggy fur coat and left it in a ring around the tub... she's worse than me!

Fuzzy bathtub ring... ewww.
Anywho... still taking weekly pictures and the photo montage of Sable's growth continues. I've decided to share what I have thus far... enjoy watching the rapid growth of our little puppy.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New things to think about...

So now that Sable supposedly has a clean bill of health the new motto is 'no excuses'... although I'm not sure she understands that quite yet.

Peeing inside is still an occasional issue and I think I've decided it's because Sable is psycho (a conclusion I also came to in an earlier post).

I did some research and read up on some stuff and am convinced that Sable has some sort of psychological infatuation with the water in her water bowl. She's got a habit of drinking her water whenever she passes by, walks into the kitchen, before she goes out to pee, after she comes back inside, when she gets bored, whenever she gets up, before she lies down... you get the point, it's a little obsessive.

Other than her mental status Sable seems pretty good. No more puppy classes, but we did buy a 30' lead so she could romp around at the dog park without us worrying that she'd take off following another dog home. The last time at the dog park Sable pulled on the leash so hard she choked herself the entire time... with the long lead she did infinitely better! In fact at one point we dropped the leash to let her roam a little while following us down the trail and she didn't run away! Win!

Slowly we've been trying to keep up with Sable's homework... a little sit, stay, fetch and the like. She's getting really good at retrieving, even bringing it back and holding onto the ball until she sits at your side and you ask for it... although horrible at the same commands when anyone else or any other dog is in the vicinity. So I'm sure with no proof on my side most people probably don't believe me.

Last but not least... we noticed that Sable has lost the first couple of her baby teeth... finally no more razor blades in her mouth!!! Puppy milking teeth are the worst... woo come on adult teeth. Next concern is for shoes, rugs, couches, and anything else that can be chewed on by teething puppies.

Well... until next time! Enjoy the pictures :-)