
Thursday, March 17, 2011

The monster under my bed...

Notice her size compared to under the bed...
Apparently Sable still fits under the bed... sorta... she has to fully flatten herself and do a sort of army crawl to get under. Getting back out and/or turning around under the bed brings a whole new dynamic to the tightness of the squeeze... yet she insists on dragging slippers, socks, pants and whatever else she can get her paws on under the bed with her (note: she does not bring them back out). Silly puppy.

Psycho Mrs. Money Pit on the run!
Sable's other new demonic activity has been waking up at 6am and barking until 7am when the alarm goes off... ugghhhh. Apparently this is supposed to indicate dominance in that she is telling us that she is awake and that we should be too. Not too happy about this trend and I think the dog needs to realize that she's the one locked in a kennel, not me, therefore I win... if only that's how dog's thought. I guess it's one more little project to work on.

On a brighter note, Sable is learning "catch" although her coordination skills have yet to catch up. There have been some running into walls because she didn't turn quick enough and some hilarious snow blunders... wish I had them on video. Recently I also realized that telling Sable to "shake" while making her "sit/stay" far away from you will produce an adorable pawing at the air motion. Hey if it makes me laugh it must be a prize worthy trick... I'm pretty sure she could be in a movie now, hahaha. We're working on "roll over" but I don't think Sable is too keen on the concept... that or there is a lack of intelligence, but I'm going with the former.

Apparently this is comfortable?!?!
Yesterday we found ourselves at the vet... yet again. This time it was an ear infection, we got some drops and she should be good as new in a week. I'm pretty sure we are officially changing her name to Mrs. Money Pit... it's getting a little ridiculous. Other than that though, not much else is new... still training her, she's still disobeying like any good puppy, and there is always endless entertainment.

Om nom nom...

As for today... HAPPY ST. PATTY'S DAY!!! Hope you are all wearing some green :-P

Yup I made GREEN COOKIES to celebrate today!

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