
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Time flies when you're having funn... err... rriigghhtt

Haha... it's been a while since the last time I wrote...

In the last week Sable has given us a multitude of random things to worry about. Most of the issues dealt with bodily functions, so I'll save you the details. One injury was a much played up injury to her paw that miraculously healed itself within the hour. I'm getting the feeling that she's just as good a faker as any. She's getting no pity party from me from now on.

Today we went to the vet for a nice little check up and wound up coming home with some antibiotics and a recommendation to look into new food. Nothing too serious though... other than being a little extra lazy yesterday and waking up all last night, Sable seems to be in fine form today. So no real worries.

Sable will be getting her third/final round of puppy shots on Saturday so here's to some health and well being, wooo! Because Sable doesn't have the third round of shots we will not be taking her along to her first puppy class (tonight). Sounds pretty pointless to go without a dog, I know, but it should be a good learning experience for us, the trainers. Next week Sable will get to go for the first time... here's hoping she behaves relatively well :-/ but I'm not holding my expectations too high.

In the past week we've enjoyed some more Dixon play time, a new interest in walking, and some more crazy snow! Even though Dixon and Sable have only had a couple play dates, Sable is now fully aware of the front door. The sound of a doorbell on the TV made her go completely bezerk today and it was only after I opened the door to show her that no one was there that she finally calmed down. Apparently Jeff had a similar "Sable's gone nuts" experience after a door-to-door salesman stopped by the other night.

Speaking of crazy Sable moments... I recently found out that salmon makes Sable psychotic. As I was making dinner I place a teeny tiny bit of salmon fat in Sable's food bowl and after she sniffed out the food and devoured it she began to lick her bowl as if she was going to lick a hole to China. She then proceeded to spin wildly in a circle and do a sprint around the kitchen only to return to the bowl and realize nothing was left. I wish I had caught it on video.

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