
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Where has time gone...

Beside the fact hat I haven't posted something new in a while, it seems like time has flown by... Sable has gotten soooooo much bigger. For whatever reason I've really noticed it in the last week. As for puppy updates:

Dog Classes
The first week we went without the puppy... we did get some awkward looks from the other people at the class, but we also got a good introduction to the trainer and some basic dog command introduction. The other puppies were totally adorable... there was a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever (which I have decided might be my next dog), a Cane Corso Italian Masiff, a 100lb. 1yr old Chocolate Lab (which is HUGE in case you didn't understand by the weight description), and a multitude of other puppies.

This last week we finally got to bring Sable with us to class and she did really well. She behaved much better than I had expected and flew through the obedience practice with a little trouble when it came to teaching her NOT to jump on people when meeting them. She currently thinks that all dogs and humans we encounter were put on earth to love her and play with her... not a bad attitude to have, but training the intensity of her jumping, playing, greeting attitude out of her has proven to be a little tougher than the other tricks she has learned.


Well... she huge! Lol... she is definitely growing... I'm getting excited for the weekly photo montage when we finish it. You can already see lots of growth progress through the images.

She finally finished the antibiotics she was on, but is still seemingly on and off again when it comes to being healthy again, so there might be another vet visit in the near future... we'll see.

Finally on the topic of health... she is very much a Lab... she inhales her food now. Eating roughly 1/2 cup in a minute... I'm surprised she hasn't thrown up more.

Sable is finally learning to walk on a leash appropriately... less pulling more walking and finally leaving the yard!

Sable knows commands for come, sit, stay, down, shake, fetch, bring, speak, kennel, and is in the process of learning quiet, heel, stand, and stay (in a position other than sit). Although she knows these commands she still isn't 100% with her follow through... occasionally she decides 'quiet' really means 'speak' and 'stay' really means 'come'.

Either way the commands are a work in progress :-) Until next time! Here's hoping we can make progress in the mean time...

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