
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Cone head...

Sable is now officially an 'it'... we had her lady organs removed on Tuesday and have been laughing at her inability to maneuver with a neck cone since.

Lounging lookin' cute

I also gathered more proof of Sable's psycho ways. Dropping Sable off at her spay appointment seems like an easy task, yet holding her down despite her every effort to jump on the three individuals sitting next to me with their dogs was difficult at best.

This is what sharp evil puppy teeth look like...
yay for new big teeth!
Not only did I need to restrain her, I was doing so while clinging to a clip board and filling out paperwork with the other hand. If you know Sable, you know this was not an easy task.

While she doesn't trust the bathtub,
she frequently decides to search it.

Ok, so the drop off fiasco can be considered pretty normal for some dogs... not so unusual. The pick-up, however, was ridiculous... albeit a little less jumpy. I arrived at the clinic along with a decent group of other families there to pick up their dogs. While waiting in line to pay and pick-up Sable, everyone could hear a whiny barking puppy in the back that sounded a lot like... guess who... Sable!

She's never seen grass before...
she thinks she's supposed to eat it all.
Yup, Sable was just as exuberant after being drugged as she was before. I wasn't initially positive it was her until I got to the front of the line and the whiny barker was lead out from the kennel room in the back and you could see the full body tail wag going full on. Coming through the door into the waiting room she caught the edge of her cone on the carpet and did a full face plant... needless to say there was a noticeable chuckle that spread through the group in the waiting room followed bye a few "aweeee"s... she's a character all right.

Once we got home she finally settled down a bit, like she was hitting a new wave of anesthetic. The look on her face was pretty priceless... a mix between 'I hate you', 'don't laugh at me', and 'I think I'm gonna throw up' (she did not throw up... thankfully).

She can't quite reach her toy :-(

There were multiple times where Sable would slowly gather her strength to get up, proceed to walk a few steps and then stop... for no reason. It was like she forgot what she got up for as well as where she was... she'd begin to whine while staring off in to nothingness until we got up and turned her around so she could see us. Pretty sad little puppy that first night.

Now she's back to her usual self with the addition of a hilarious cone around her neck. Before the cone, she enjoyed long walks, accessible dinners and tearing around the house causing mayhem.

Now she's not allowed to go for a walk since it snowed (yes... AGAIN... more snow... ridiculous) and she can't get her surgery area wet, her dinners are difficult at best with a giant cone impeding her ability to scarf down food with ease, and tearing around the house now elicits the fear of catching the edge of her cone on couches, door trim, carpets, and pant legs. Such a tough life.

And now... Sable is an 'it'

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