
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Yup, she's crazy...

Her top right eyetooth is gone! Wooo
The 6am barking NEEDS to stop... I may actually go insane!

She barks for longer and gets louder if you ignore her... and although getting out of bed to tell her to stop will work for a while, it doesn't seem stop the progressive and endless re-occurrence of the noise. The worst part of the whole thing is that she SOOOOO freaking cute!

I'm having a hard time staying mad... or staying awake for that matter. Darn puppies and their ridiculous cuteness.

So hard to stay mad at this cuteness...
And if Sable wasn't injury/illness prone enough... I managed to injure my own poor puppy. No, it was not intentional (you're nuts if you thought that) and it was very minor. Actually it was her fault really...

We decided to try to start teaching her about bikes and how to run along next to them so she could release a little extra energy. In the process of this "biking" (going as slow as possible in order to maintain my balance on the bike) another puppy + child came out of their house to go for a walk...

Friend Time!
Sable immediately ran in front of me... fail #1 for the lesson.

Too cool for school.
Of course I slammed on the brakes, but managed to roll over a paw. At the time there was no sign from her that anything had happened, no yelp, nooo slowing down... proof of the resiliency of a puppy I guess. Turns out that the top of her toe was cut open... although if you asked Sable I don't think she noticed (she continued to run around and pull me home on the bike).

She has bad posture...
That being said... the paw is pretty much all healed anndddd we'll be trying for some more biking practice soon. maybe she learned her lesson? No? Haha, ohhh puppies...

Watch/Guard Puppy


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